
This is the 370th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "šírenia" translates to "spreading" or "dissemination" in English.

In this sentence, 'šírenie' is used as a noun referring to the act of spreading or dissemination.

Šírenie informácií je rýchle pomocou internetu.

The spread of information is fast with the help of the internet.

Here, 'šírenia' is used in its genitive case to describe the concern about the act of spreading.

Má obavy zo šírenia choroby medzi obyvateľmi.

She is worried about the spread of disease among the population.

In this example, 'šírenia' is applied again in the genitive case, expressing the support of the act of spreading or disseminating education.

Organizujú kampane na podporu šírenia vzdelania.

They organize campaigns to support the dissemination of education.