
This is the 465th most frequent Slovak word.

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The Slovak word "žiadosti" translates to "requests" or "applications" in English.

The word 'žiadosti' is used to mean 'application,' as in an official form submitted to request something.

Mária vyplnila všetky potrebné formuláre vrátane žiadosti o víza.

Maria completed all the necessary forms, including the visa application.

Here, 'žiadosti' is used to mean 'requests,' referring to formal or informal petitions or inquiries made by individuals.

V záujme spokojnosti žiadosti zákazníkov, spoločnosť rozšírila ponuku služieb.

In the interest of satisfying customer requests, the company expanded its service offering.

In this case, 'žiadosti' refers specifically to 'applications' submitted for scholarships, emphasizing its use in an academic context.

Študenti musia svoje žiadosti o štipendium odoslať do konca mesiaca.

Students must submit their scholarship applications by the end of the month.