
This is the 513th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "ameriške" means "American" (feminine plural or used in specific grammatical cases).

The word 'ameriške' functions as an adjective describing 'knjižnice' (libraries), indicating their association with America.

To so ameriške knjižnice, ki jih pogosto obiskujejo študenti.

These are American libraries that students often visit.

Here, 'ameriške' is used as an adjective modifying 'kmetijske stroje' (agricultural machines), referring to their origin being American.

Kupili smo ameriške kmetijske stroje za našo farmo.

We bought American agricultural machines for our farm.

In this case, 'ameriške' describes 'politike' (politics), indicating that the topic pertains to America.

Razpravljali smo o ameriške politike na predavanju.

We discussed American politics in the lecture.