
This is the 97th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Besedah" means "words" in English (locative or instrumental plural form of "beseda").

"Besedah" here refers to the specific words spoken by someone, highlighting their content or implication.

V njegovih besedah sem začutil iskrenost.

In his words, I felt sincerity.

"Besedah" indicates words in a metaphorical sense, contrasting them with actions, thus emphasizing their symbolic meaning.

Na besedah ne smemo sloneti, ampak se je treba osredotočiti na dejanja.

We should not rely solely on words, but we must focus on actions.

"Besedah" is used to represent the statement or information provided by someone directly or indirectly.

Po njegovih besedah naj bi sestanek potekal jutri.

According to his words, the meeting should take place tomorrow.