
This is the 76th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Covida" is not a standard Slovenian word but may refer to "COVID-19" in informal or misspelled contexts.

Here, 'covida' is used in the genitive case (slovenian 'rodilnik') to denote the cause or reason for the action.

Zaradi covida moramo nositi maske v javnosti.

Due to COVID, we must wear masks in public.

Here, 'covida' is again in the genitive case, showing possession or association between 'omejitve' (restrictions) and 'covid' (the disease).

Omejitve zaradi covida so bile strožje lani.

Restrictions due to COVID were stricter last year.

In this sentence, 'covidu' is used in the dative case (slovenian 'dajalnik'), indicating the target or recipient of the action, namely the vaccine is targeting COVID.

Cepivo proti covidu je na voljo v lokalni lekarni.

The vaccine against COVID is available at the local pharmacy.