
This is the 87th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Državi" is the dative or locative singular form of "država," meaning "state" or "country" in English.

The word 'državi' is in locative case, indicating the location where the action took place.

Počitnice smo preživeli v državi z imenitno zgodovino.

We spent our vacation in a country with an impressive history.

Here, 'državi' is also in locative case, referring to the location associated with the political context.

Rad bi izvedel več o politiki v tej državi.

I would like to learn more about the politics in this country.

In this case, 'državi' is in dative case, representing the indirect object affected by the laws.

Številni zakoni veljajo za obe državi.

Many laws apply to both countries.