
This is the 295th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Italiji" is the dative or locative form of "Italija," meaning "Italy" in English.

'Italiji' here is the locative singular form of the noun 'Italija', used after certain prepositions indicating location.

Ta poletje smo obiskali Novo Gorico, nato pa smo odpotovali v Italiji.

This summer we visited Nova Gorica, and then we traveled to Italy.

'Italiji' appears as the locative singular case of 'Italija', describing the location of Gino's restaurant.

Gino je zelo ponosen na svojo restavracijo, ki se nahaja v Italiji.

Gino is very proud of his restaurant, which is located in Italy.

'Italiji' modifies the location of my friend's new residence and employment, utilizing the locative case.

Moj prijatelj se je iz Slovenije preselil v Italiji, kjer je našel novo službo.

My friend moved from Slovenia to Italy, where he found a new job.