
This is the 235th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Javnost" in English means "public" or "the public."

Here, 'javnost' is used to signify the general populace that interacts or is engaged with an organization.

Organizacija si prizadeva za večjo preglednost in sodelovanje z javnostjo.

The organization strives for greater transparency and collaboration with the public.

Here, 'javnost' refers to 'the public' or the general body of people in a societal context.

Politiki pogosto naslavljajo javnost s pomembnimi obvestili.

Politicians often address the public with important announcements.

In this sentence, 'javnost' is used to indicate the collective group of people interested in an event or matter.

Javnost je pokazala veliko zanimanja za ta dogodek.

The public showed great interest in this event.