
This is the 17th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Them" (accusative form).

In this sentence, 'jih' functions as an accusative pronoun representing a plural object, meaning 'them', in the context of the action 'invite'.

Zakaj jih nisi povabil na zabavo?

Why didn't you invite them to the party?

Here, 'jih' is again a pronoun in the accusative case, indicating the direct objects of the verb 'see', referring to multiple people.

Vidim jih vsak dan, ko se sprehajam po parku.

I see them every day when I walk in the park.

In this instance, 'jih' appears twice, each time as an accusative pronoun for 'them', signifying the individuals being met and greeted.

Ko jih srečaš, bodi vljuden in jih pozdravi.

When you meet them, be polite and greet them.