
This is the 286th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "katerim" means "which" in the instrumental plural form.

In this sentence, 'katerim' serves as a relative pronoun in the dative plural, describing the books ('knjigah') and showing that the action of 'in which I trust' is applied to them.

V knjigah, katerim zaupam, je veliko koristnih informacij.

In the books in which I trust, there is a lot of useful information.

Here, 'katerim' is used as a relative pronoun in the dative plural, referring to 'zvezki' and expressing the notion of 'to which.'

Zvezki, katerim sem dodal platnice, so zdaj bolj vzdržljivi.

The notebooks to which I added covers are now more durable.

'Katerim' here acts as a relative pronoun in the dative plural, connecting 'predmeti' with the following explanation 'to which we dedicated the most attention.'

Predmeti, katerim smo posvetili največ pozornosti, so ključni za uspeh.

The subjects to which we dedicated the most attention are key to success.