
This is the 813th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "klubov" means "of clubs" in English, indicating the plural possessive form of "klub" (club).

Here, 'klubov' is used in the locative plural case (although normally genitive plural form is used for certain prepositional contexts), specifying the location or relevant context, which is the sports clubs.

V največjih športnih klubov na svetu igrajo najboljši igralci.

The best players play in the biggest sports clubs in the world.

Here, 'klubov' represents the second case (genitive plural) of the noun 'klub', employed to describe multiple clubs being visited.

Obiskali smo nekaj glasbenih klubov v mestu.

We visited some music clubs in the city.

In this sentence, 'klubov' appears in the genitive plural case, indicating possession or association, referring to what the offer is relating to.

Ponudba klubov v Ljubljani je zelo raznolika.

The offer of clubs in Ljubljana is very diverse.