
This is the 360th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "medijev" is the genitive plural form of "medij," meaning "of media" or "of mediums" in English.

In this sentence, 'medijev' is used in the genitive plural form of 'medij' (media) to indicate possession or association regarding their influence.

Obravnavali smo vpliv medijev na družbeno mnenje.

We discussed the influence of the media on public opinion.

Here, 'medijev' again appears in the genitive plural, specifying types of media being discussed.

Različne vrste medijev ponujajo različne perspektive o istem dogodku.

Different types of media provide various perspectives on the same event.

In this context, 'medijev' is used in the genitive plural to specify the entities related to the count.

Število medijev, ki so poročali o dogodku, je bilo presenetljivo visoko.

The number of media outlets reporting on the event was surprisingly high.