
This is the 623rd most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Najboljših" means "the best" in English.

In this sentence, 'najboljših' is in its plural genitive form, describing 'restavracij' and indicating the highest quality among multiple restaurants.

Ena izmed najboljših restavracij v mestu je tik za vogalom.

One of the best restaurants in the city is just around the corner.

Here, 'najboljših' is also the plural genitive form and pertains to 'knjig,' representing excellent quality among the books read.

To je seznam najboljših knjig, ki sem jih prebral letos.

This is a list of the best books I've read this year.

The word 'najboljših' is used in the plural genitive form to describe 'ekip,' indicating teams of superior performance.

Tekmovalci iz najboljših ekip so prišli na turnir.

Competitors from the best teams arrived at the tournament.