
This is the 822nd most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "največje" means "the biggest" or "the largest" in English.

Here, 'največje' is the superlative of 'velik' (large). It describes the largest single entity in group terms.

Slovenija ima največje jezero v srednji Evropi.

Slovenia has the largest lake in Central Europe.

Here, 'največje' is used to describe the superlative degree of 'veliko' (great/significant), highlighting importance.

V življenju so najpomembnejše vrednote, saj imajo največje sporočilo.

In life, values are the most important, as they carry the greatest message.

Here, 'največje' means the highest in quantity or probability, showcasing the superlative of 'veliko' (great/much).

Mislim, da ima največje možnosti za zmago na tekmovanju.

I believe he/she has the greatest chances of winning the competition.