
This is the 925th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Napovedali" means "predicted" or "announced."

In this sentence, 'napovedali' is used to mean 'announced' in the context of making a prediction or statement about an event that will occur in the future, specifically suggesting the weather forecast.

Včeraj so napovedali vremensko napoved za ta teden.

Yesterday, they announced the weather forecast for this week.

Here, 'napovedali' is used to indicate an official announcement or presentation of upcoming projects or plans.

Na konferenci so napovedali nove razvojne projekte.

At the conference, they announced new development projects.

In this context, 'napovedali' is used to signify the announcement or introduction of something new, such as a theater play, showcasing the word's use in cultural or artistic events.

Gledališče je napovedalo novo predstavo, ki bo premierno uprizorjena naslednji mesec.

The theater announced a new play, which will premiere next month.