
This is the 48th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "nas" means "us" in English.

In this sentence, 'nas' is used as the accusative form of 'mi', meaning 'we', which is used here to refer to the direct object of the action.

Nas je pet prišlo na zabavo.

There were five of us who came to the party.

Here, 'nas' functions as a pronoun in the dative case, referring to the indirect object, indicating for whom the action of repeating is performed.

Ali lahko ponovite za nas?

Can you repeat that for us?

The word 'nas' is utilized as a pronoun in its accusative form, identifying 'us' as the direct object being affected by the action of chasing.

Zdaj nas preganjajo roki.

Deadlines are chasing us now.