
This is the 625th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Ocenah" is the locative plural form of "ocena," meaning "grades," "ratings," or "assessments" in English.

The word 'ocenah' here refers to academic grades, demonstrating its use in educational contexts.

Na roditeljskem sestanku smo govorili o ocenah učencev.

During the parent-teacher meeting, we talked about the students' grades.

The word 'ocenah' here refers to evaluations or reviews, specifically related to products being discussed.

V trgovini sem slišal razpravo o ocenah izdelkov.

In the store, I heard a discussion about product reviews.

In this sentence, 'ocenah' refers to ratings, used to describe evaluations given to movies.

Časopis je objavil članek o ocenah filmov v kinematografih.

The newspaper published an article about the ratings of movies in cinemas.