
This is the 655th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Olimpije" is the plural form of "Olympics" or can refer to entities named after Olympus, like sports clubs in Slovenia.

In this context, "olimpije" refers to items or memorabilia associated with the club Olimpija.

Obiskovalci zgodovinskega muzeja so si ogledali zbirko olimpijskih spominkov olimpije.

Visitors of the historical museum viewed the collection of olympic memorabilia of Olimpija.

Here, "olimpije" refers to the name of a sports club (proper noun) commonly known as Olimpija.

Ljubljana je dom Olimpije, znanega športnega kluba.

Ljubljana is home to Olimpija, a famous sports club.

Here, "olimpije" refers to the possessive form of Olimpija, discussing its supporters.

Navijači Olimpije so navdušeno slavili zmago svoje ekipe.

The fans of Olimpija enthusiastically celebrated their team's victory.