
This is the 122nd most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "oseb" is the genitive plural form of "oseba," meaning "persons" or "people" in English.

In this sentence, "osebam" refers to specific individuals or persons as participants in the course, and it is used in the dative plural form.

Tečaj je bil namenjen desetim različnim osebam.

The course was intended for ten different persons.

Here, "oseb" is used in the genitive plural to specify a countable restriction related to people.

Število oseb v sobi je omejeno na pet.

The number of people in the room is limited to five.

The term "oseb" again appears in the genitive plural, denoting an enumeration of people or individuals within a specified group.

Seznam oseb v podjetju vključuje menedžerje in zaposlene.

The list of individuals in the company includes managers and employees.