This is the 684th most frequent Slovenian word.
The Slovenian word "pokala" is the past tense of "pokati," meaning "cracked," "burst," or "popped," depending on context.
The word 'pokal' is used here to mean 'trophy' in a nominative singular masculine form.
Eva je zmagala na tekmovanju in dobila pokal.
Eva won the competition and received a trophy.
The word 'pokal' is used as a verb root in past continuous tense to describe the act of popping (firework sounds).
Ko je sodelovala na festivalu, se je ves čas slišalo pokanje ognjemeta.
When she participated in the festival, the sound of fireworks popping could be heard constantly.
The term 'pokal' is derived from the verb form of 'to overflow or brim,' referring to the action of something surpassing its holding capacity.