
This is the 841st most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Poslovanja" means "business operations" or "conducting business" in English.

The word "poslovanja" is used to refer to the operations or management processes of a business.

Uspešnost podjetja je odvisna od učinkovitega poslovanja.

The success of a company depends on effective operations.

Here, "poslovanja" is used in the context of discussing methods or strategies in the realm of business.

Na seminarju smo se pogovarjali o drugačnih pristopih k poslovanju.

At the seminar, we discussed different approaches to business operations.

In this sentence, "poslovanja" denotes the ongoing business activities or practices.

Poslovanja podjetij na tem področju zahtevajo večjo pozornost zakonodaje.

The business operations in this field require more legislative attention.