
This is the 240th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "povedala" means "said" or "told" in English (feminine singular past tense).

Here, 'povedala' again serves as a past tense verb, but as part of a relative clause referring to the grandmother as the subject delivering the stories.

Ko sem bila majhna, sem vedno poslušala zgodbe, ki mi jih je povedala stara mama.

When I was little, I always listened to the stories that my grandmother told me.

Here, 'povedala' is used as a past tense verb meaning 'told', indicating that the subject (she) communicated particular information.

Včeraj mi je povedala, kako je preživela vikend.

Yesterday, she told me how she spent the weekend.

In this sentence, 'povedala' is used in a conditional clause suggesting a hypothetical situation.

Če bi ji povedala resnico, bi morda bila manj razburjena.

If I had told her the truth, she might have been less upset.