
This is the 631st most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Predlogu" in Slovenian means "to the proposal" or "to the suggestion" in English, typically in the dative case.

Here 'predlogu' is in the locative case, referring to a proposal.

Na podlagi predlogu direktorja smo sprejeli novo strategijo.

Based on the proposal of the director, we adopted a new strategy.

Here 'predlogu' refers to the concept of a proposal in the locative case.

V tem predlogu je zajetih veliko pomembnih točk.

This proposal includes many important points.

Here 'predlogu' is in the dative case, indicating indirect object usage.

Razmislite o vsakem predlogu, preden sprejmete odločitev.

Consider each suggestion before making a decision.