
This is the 758th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "programa" means "program" or "schedule" in English.

Here, 'programa' is in the genitive singular form, referring to the instructions given by a specific program (likely software).

Študenti so napisali poročilo po navodilih programa.

The students wrote the report according to the instructions of the program.

In this sentence, 'programa' again appears in the genitive singular form, this time referring to an education program, indicating possession or association.

V sredo bomo predstavili nov koncept programa za izobraževanje.

On Wednesday, we will present a new concept of the program for education.

'Programa' is in the genitive singular form, used to denote the object of the development, emphasizing its role or subject.

Imam veliko zanimanje za razvoj tega programa.

I have a great interest in the development of this program.