
This is the 761st most frequent Slovenian word.


"Reprezentance" in Slovenian means "national teams" or "representative teams."

Here, 'reprezentanca' is used to describe the collective body of players forming the team.

Čeprav je reprezentanca igrala pod pričakovanji, so navijači ostali zvesti.

Even though the national team performed below expectations, the fans remained loyal.

In this sentence, 'reprezentanca' refers to a sports team representing Slovenia.

Slovenska reprezentanca je dosegla zmago na mednarodnem turnirju.

The Slovenian national team achieved victory in the international tournament.

In this usage, 'reprezentanca' signifies the aspiration to join the prestigious group of players.

Mladi igralci so upali, da bodo nekoč postali del reprezentance.

The young players hoped to one day become part of the national team.