
This is the 857th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "stik" means "contact" in English.

Stik indicates 'contact' in a technical or functional sense, specifically electrical contact between two conductors.

Električni stik v tej žici je šibek, zato svetilka ne sveti močno.

The electrical contact in this wire is weak, so the lamp does not shine brightly.

Stik is used to mean 'contact' in the context of re-establishing communication or relationship.

Vedno sem vesel, ko ponovno vzpostavimo stik z našimi starimi prijatelji.

I am always happy when we re-establish contact with our old friends.

Stik here signifies 'contact' in a physical sense, referring to coming into physical touch or closeness.

Uporabljamo gumijaste rokavice, da preprečimo stik s kemikalijami.

We use rubber gloves to avoid contact with chemicals.