
This is the 638th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Stikov" is the genitive plural form of "stik," meaning "contacts" or "connections."

The term 'stikov' here refers to 'connections' in the sense of digital or electronic interactions.

V današnjem času komunikacija preko elektronskih stikov igra pomembno vlogo.

In today's world, communication through electronic connections plays an important role.

'Stikov' describes 'joints' or 'contacts' between physical materials, emphasizing structural alignment.

Pri gradnji stavbe je potrebno paziti na natančnost stikov med materiali.

When constructing a building, it is necessary to pay attention to the precision of joints between materials.

Here, 'stikov' characterizes 'contacts' in the context of social interactions and relationships.

Razvoj družbenih stikov je ključnega pomena za posameznikov osebni razvoj.

The development of social contacts is essential for an individual's personal growth.