
This is the 769th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Strank" is the genitive plural form of "stranka," which means "party" (e.g., political party) or "client" in English, depending on context.

In this sentence, 'stranka' means a political party, indicating its role in a political context.

Vsaka politična stranka mora jasno predstaviti svojo politiko.

Each political party must clearly present its policy.

Here, 'stranke' is used to refer to customers or clients of a service.

Stranke so bile zelo zadovoljne z našimi storitvami.

The clients were very satisfied with our services.

Here, 'strank' is utilized to mean guests attending an event.

Na zabavi smo imeli veliko govorov od različnih strank.

At the party, we had many speeches from various guests.