
This is the 467th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "svetovnega" means "world" or "global" in English, typically in the genitive singular form.

The word 'svetovnega' here is the masculine genitive singular form of the adjective that means 'world', referring to the title ('naziv') on a world scale.

Podjetje je bilo nagrajeno z nazivom svetovnega prvaka inovacij.

The company was awarded the title of the world champion in innovations.

The word 'svetovna' here is the feminine form of the adjective that means 'world' or 'global', used to describe 'vojna' (war), as in this sentence, it is describing the war on a global scale.

V letu 1945 se je končala druga svetovna vojna.

In 1945, the second world war ended.

The word 'svetovno' in this sentence is the neuter form of the adjective, describing 'prvenstvo' (championship), meaning it pertains to a global competition.

Svetovno prvenstvo bo potekalo naslednji mesec.

The world championship will take place next month.