
This is the 28th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "ter" means "and" or "as well as" in English.

Here, 'ter' is used to link two consecutive actions, emphasizing their connection and the result of the first action leading to the second.

Bral sem knjigo ter se naučil veliko novih stvari.

I read the book and learned many new things.

Here, 'ter' is used as a conjunction joining two equal subjects, 'mama' (mother) and 'oče' (father).

Mama ter oče gresta na potovanje.

Mother and father are going on a trip.

In this sentence, 'ter' connects two related actions, illustrating a sequence or addition ('successfully finishing' and 'receiving rewards').

Učenci so uspešno zaključili šolsko leto ter prejeli zaslužene nagrade.

The students successfully finished the school year and received deserved rewards.