
This is the 152nd most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Treh" is the genitive or locative plural form of "tri," meaning "three" in English.

The word 'treh' is used here as the genitive plural form of 'three,' specifying the group from which to choose.

Imam tri jabolka, ampak lahko izberem le enega izmed treh.

I have three apples, but I can only choose one out of the three.

In this sentence, 'treh' is the locative case, used with 'o' to indicate the topic of discussion.

Pogovarjali smo se o treh različnih možnostih za izlet.

We talked about three different options for the trip.

Here, 'treh' acts in the genitive case to specify the sources of feedback, as part of a possessive relationship.

Potrebujemo povratne informacije treh strokovnjakov za ta projekt.

We need feedback from three experts for this project.