
This is the 549th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "tveganje" translates to "risk" in English.

In this sentence, 'tveganje' refers to the inherent uncertainties and potential losses associated with engaging in a business undertaking, showcasing its noun form as 'risk' or 'hazard'.

Tveganje je del vsakega poslovnega podviga.

Risk is a part of every business venture.

Here, 'tveganje' is used to describe the act of engaging in potentially uncertain situations for a goal, indicating a challenge or bold endeavor.

On je bil vedno pripravljen prevzeti tveganje za dosego svojih ciljev.

He was always ready to take the risk to achieve his goals.

'Tveganje' in this context pertains to the identification and assessment of potential dangers or uncertainties, emphasizing a careful approach to decision-making.

Analizirati moramo vse možne tveganje, preden sprejmemo odločitev.

We must analyze all possible risks before making a decision.