
This is the 318th most frequent Slovenian word.

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In Slovenian, "UKC" is an abbreviation for "Univerzitetni klinični center," meaning "University Medical Center" in English.

'UKC' here is used as an abbreviation to refer to the University Medical Center, indicating a specific healthcare institution.

Obiskal sem UKC Ljubljana zaradi bolečin v trebuhu.

I visited the Ljubljana University Medical Center due to stomach pains.

'UKC' in this sentence symbolizes the healthcare institution as a reputable and prominent facility.

UKC je znan po odličnih specialistih in sodobni opremi.

UKC is known for excellent specialists and modern equipment.

'UKC' here refers to the educational and practical facilities of the University Medical Center serving as a venue for learning medical skills.

Na UKC študiram medicino in upam, da bom postal zdravnik.

I study medicine at UKC, and I hope to become a doctor.