
This is the 417th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Vendarle" means "nevertheless" or "after all" in English.

Here, 'vendarle' implies a change in decision, emphasizing that the action took place despite initial reluctance.

Najprej ni želela iti z nami, vendarle se nam je kasneje pridružila.

At first, she didn't want to come with us, but she eventually joined us.

'Vendarle' here expresses surprise or contrast to an expectation, showing that the outcome was positive.

Mislil sem, da bo projekt zamujal, vendarle so ga dokončali pravočasno.

I thought the project would be delayed, but they finished it on time after all.

In this case, 'vendarle' denotes an unexpected situation, highlighting a contrast between expectation and reality.

Vremenska napoved je bila slaba, vendarle je danes sončno.

The weather forecast was bad, but it is sunny today nevertheless.