
This is the 554th most frequent Slovenian word.

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To ensure or guarantee.

Here, 'zagotoviti' is used to mean 'ensure' or 'provide' something that needs to be available.

Moramo zagotoviti dovolj prostora za vse udeležence.

We must ensure enough space for all participants.

In this context, 'zagotoviti' refers to 'securing' or 'acquiring' something essential.

Organizatorji so uspeli zagotoviti potrebno financiranje za projekt.

The organizers succeeded in securing the necessary funding for the project.

In this sentence, 'zagotoviti' is again used to mean 'ensure', emphasizing preparation.

Za uspešen izlet moramo zagotoviti ustrezne informacije o poti.

For a successful trip, we must ensure proper information about the route.