
This is the 878th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Začetku" means "beginning" or "start" (dative or locative case) in English.

Here, 'zaèetku' denotes the initial phase or stage of a specific process.

Pri zaèetku projekta smo se posvetovali s strokovnjaki.

At the beginning of the project, we consulted with experts.

In this sentence, 'zaèetku' refers to the point in time at the start of an event or activity.

Na zaèetku sem bil zelo pozoren.

At the beginning, I was very attentive.

In this context, 'zaèetku' is used to suggest the importance of early actions or considerations during the initial phase.

Za uspešno izvedbo je pomembno načrtovati že na zaèetku.

For a successful execution, it is important to plan already in the beginning.