
This is the 787th most frequent Slovenian word.

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"Zvezdnik" means "star" or "celebrity" in English.

Here, 'zvezdnik' refers to someone who gained fame and recognition, especially for their work in their field, showing growth and achievement.

Ta igralec je postal zvezdnik zaradi svoje izjemne vloge v popularnem filmu.

This actor became a star due to their outstanding role in a popular movie.

In this sentence, 'zvezdnik' is used to denote a famous person, particularly in the entertainment industry, such as a movie star or a singer.

Zvezdnik je prišel na rdečo preprogo in pozdravil navdušeno množico.

The celebrity stepped onto the red carpet and greeted the enthusiastic crowd.

In this context, 'zvezdnik' is used in a metaphorical sense to describe someone achieving significant success and prominence in their career, not limited to entertainment.

Mladi športnik sanja, da bi postal zvezdnik v nogometu in osvojil svetovno prvenstvo.

The young athlete dreams of becoming a star in soccer and winning the world championship.