
This is the 790th most frequent Slovenian word.

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The Slovenian word "športnih" translates to "sports" (adjective, genitive plural or agreeing form) in English.

Here, 'športnih' modifies 'objektov' (facilities), specifying their type as related to sports.

Organiziramo dobrodelni dogodek za obnovo športnih objektov v mestu.

We are organizing a charity event for the renovation of sports facilities in the city.

Here, 'športnih' is used as an adjective modifying 'čevlje' (shoes), indicating their intended use for sports or physical activity.

Kupila sem nove športnih čevlje.

I bought new sports shoes.

In this context, 'športnih' describes 'aktivnosti' (activities), giving information about their nature or theme related to sports.

Danes imamo uro športnih aktivnosti.

Today we have a lesson in sports activities.