This is the 1646th most frequent Swedish word.
"Drygt" in Swedish means "slightly more than" or "a little over."
Here, the word 'drygt' is used to convey that the time span exceeded one hour, denoting slightly over a given measure.
Det tog drygt en timme att avsluta mötet.
It took slightly more than an hour to finish the meeting.
In this sentence, 'drygt' indicates that the portion of participants exceeded fifty percent, providing a sense of overabundance or exceeding a measure.
Drygt hälften av deltagarna röstade för förslaget.
Slightly more than half of the participants voted for the proposal.
Here, 'drygt' refers to a manner of speaking, indicating arrogance or an unsympathetic attitude, used metaphorically in a social context.