
This is the 36th most frequent Swedish word.

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According to.

Here, 'enligt' introduces a personal perspective or opinion, equivalent to 'in my opinion.'

Enligt min åsikt är det bäst att vänta tills trafiken lugnar ner sig.

In my opinion, it is best to wait until the traffic calms down.

Enligt in this sentence is used to preface information sourced from something or someone, implying 'according to.'

Enligt väderprognosen kommer det att regna imorgon.

According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.

In this instance, 'enligt' is applied to express stipulations or requirements given by rules or guidelines, meaning 'according to.'

Enligt reglerna måste alla deltagare vara över 18 år.

According to the rules, all participants must be over 18 years old.