
This is the 1436th most frequent Swedish word.

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"Folkomröstning" means "referendum," a general vote by the electorate on a specific issue.

The word 'folkomröstning' in this sentence refers to a national voting event where the population decides on an important political or social issue.

Sverige organiserade en folkomröstning om kärnkraft år 1980.

Sweden organized a referendum on nuclear power in 1980.

Here, 'folkomröstningar' is used in plural form and refers generally to the concept of referendums as a democratic tool.

Många tycker att folkomröstningar är ett bra sätt att låta folket bestämma.

Many believe that referendums are a good way of letting the people decide.

In this context, 'folkomröstning' indicates a community-level democratic voting process to determine decisions on local matters.

Vi planerar att hålla en lokal folkomröstning för att diskutera skolans framtid.

We plan to hold a local referendum to discuss the future of the school.