This is the 1345th most frequent Swedish word.
"Gefle" is the historical name of the Swedish city Gävle.
In this sentence, 'Gefle' is used as a proper noun, representing the name of a city in Sweden. Proper nouns are capitalized and denote specific locations.
Gefle är en stad i Sverige.
Gefle is a city in Sweden.
Here, 'Gefle' functions as a noun denoting the city, and it is used within a prepositional phrase 'om Gefle' meaning 'about Gefle.' This usage shows how prepositions interact with location names.
Han talade om Gefle med stort engagemang.
He spoke about Gefle with great enthusiasm.
In this example, 'Gefle' serves as the subject of the sentence, indicating the entity possessing an interesting cultural heritage. Using geographical terms as subjects is common in descriptive statements.