
This is the 601st most frequent Swedish word.

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"Priser" in Swedish means "prices" or "awards" in English, depending on context.

In this sentence, 'priser' is used to refer to the costs or monetary value of items in the store. It's a plural form of 'pris' (price).

Butikens priser är väldigt konkurrenskraftiga.

The store's prices are very competitive.

This sentence uses 'pris' in its verb form as 'prisade', deriving from the same root, meaning to praise or recognize someone for their contributions.

De främsta vetenskapsmännen blev prisade för sina insatser.

The leading scientists were praised for their contributions.

Here, 'priser' refers to awards or achievements given in recognition of accomplishments. It uses the plural form of 'pris' (prize/award).

Under ceremonin delades flera priser ut till vinnarna.

During the ceremony, several prizes were awarded to the winners.