
This is the 438th most frequent Swedish word.

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"The risk."

'Risken' is used here as the subject of the sentence, conveying the concept of a possibility of an undesired event occurring.

Risken att missa bussen ökar om vi inte lämnar snart.

The risk of missing the bus increases if we don't leave soon.

In this case, 'risken' is part of a prepositional phrase ('risken för regn'), expressing uncertainty or chance regarding a potential event.

Trots risken för regn bestämde vi oss för att gå på picknick.

Despite the risk of rain, we decided to go on a picnic.

Here, 'risken' is used as a direct object, indicating the need to reduce the probability of something undesirable happening.

Vi måste minimera risken för olyckor genom att följa säkerhetsföreskrifterna.

We have to minimize the risk of accidents by following the safety guidelines.