
This is the 987th most frequent Swedish word.

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SCB stands for "Statistics Sweden," the Swedish government agency responsible for official statistics and data collection.

Here 'SCB' again refers to the Statistic Agency, and the possessive form ('SCB:s') indicates ownership of the reports.

Att förstå SCB:s rapporter är viktigt för ekonomistudenter.

Understanding SCB's reports is important for economics students.

The abbreviation 'SCB' stands for the same agency as before and is the source of the data utilized in the research.

Vi har använt data från SCB för vår forskning.

We have used data from SCB for our research.

In this sentence, 'SCB' is used as an abbreviation for 'Statistiska centralbyrån', which is the official statistics agency in Sweden. It represents an institutional entity.

SCB publicerade ny statistik om Sveriges ekonomi.

SCB published new statistics on Sweden's economy.