
This is the 17th most frequent Tamil word.

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The Tamil word "தே" (pronounced "the") means "honey."

Here, 'the' specifies a particular Earth and Sun, emphasizing their uniqueness.

The பூமி சூரியனைச் சுற்றி சுழல்கிறது.

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

In this context, 'the' is not directly used in Tamil. We use 'இந்த' (this) for specificity.

நான் இந்தப் புத்தகம் படித்தேன்.

I read this book.

Again, 'the' implies specificity to 'user’s mind', but in Tamil as a definite article, it remains inferred.

பயனுடைய மனம் அமைதியாக இருந்தது.

The mind of the user was calm.