
This is the 471st most frequent Tamil word.

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The Tamil word "அபக" does not have a clear or direct meaning in standard Tamil. It may be a typo or a misspelling.

The word 'அபக' means endless or aplenty in this sentence, describing an abundance of something.

அபக வாழ்வில் இன்னல்கள் வந்து போகும்.

Aplenty hardships will come and go in life.

The word 'அபக' signifies busyness or a period of many activities in this sentence, indicating a hectic period.

அபக வேளை மனிதன் ஓய்வு எடுக்க வேண்டும்.

During busy times, a person needs to take rest.

Here, 'அபக' means endlessly or without stopping, referring to constant or prolonged action in this context.

அபக சிந்தித்தால் தீர்வு கிடைக்கும்.

Endlessly thinking will lead to a solution.