
This is the 288th most frequent Tamil word.

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The Tamil word "இறந" appears to be incomplete or possibly a misspelling. If you intended a specific word, please clarify.

In this sentence, 'இறந' refers to passing away or the loss of life.

அவர் தனது செல்லப்பிராணியை இழந்து இறந்து விட்டார்.

He lost his pet and passed away.

Here, 'இறந' is used to indicate the action of searching or finding.

காணாமல் போன காகிதத்தை இறந்ட எடுத்து வைத்தேன்.

I searched and found the missing paper and kept it.

In this usage, 'இறந' has a connotation of acting with earnestness or empathy.

அந்த யோஜ்சனை செயல் படுத்த இரங்கி இறநேன்.

I acted with empathy and took up the task.