
This is the 823rd most frequent Tamil word.

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The Tamil word "ஐப" does not have a clear standalone meaning and may be a typo or abbreviation. Could you confirm or provide context?

'ஐப' (Aib) refers to the shortened colloquial form that might be used to denote 'iPhone', used to indicate a smartphone.

நான் புதிய ஐப வாங்கினேன்.

I bought a new IPhone.

'ஐப' in this sentence is used to abbreviate 'ஐயர் புணில்கள்' (Kasav Tamil letters), indicating a specific linguistic or phonetic term.

அவர் தமிழ் ஐபக்களைக் கற்றார்.

He learned Tamil phonemes.

Here, 'ஐப' could potentially signify a proper noun or fictional name, used to denote a place.

ஐப சுவையான உணவகம்.

Aib is a tasty restaurant.