
This is the 117th most frequent Thai word.

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The Thai word "สปสช" (pronounced "Sao-Por-Sor-Chor") stands for "สำนักงานหลักประกันสุขภาพแห่งชาติ" (National Health Security Office - NHSO).

This sentence uses "สปสช" (NHSO) as the subject, referring to the organization established for healthcare management.

สปสช มีหน้าที่ดูแลบริการสุขภาพสำหรับประชาชนทั่วไป

The NHSO is responsible for overseeing healthcare services for the general public.

Here, "สปสช" is mentioned as the entity individuals reach out to for resolving healthcare-related concerns.

เมื่อมีปัญหาด้านการรักษาพยาบาล ประชาชนควรติดต่อสปสช

When there are issues with medical treatment, people should contact the NHSO.

In this sentence, "สปสช" is presented as a formal organization receiving resources from the government.


The government increased the budget for the NHSO this year.